John R. Armstrong Performing Arts Center

JAPAC "Where Art Meets Education"

24600 F. Pankow Blvd.
Clinton Township, MI 48036

Upcoming Events

  • 8 May
    • Pankow Dance Performance 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
      Pankow Dance Performance
      Date: May 8
      Time: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
      Location: JAPAC, 24600 Frederick Pankow Blvd., Clinton Township, MI 48036
      Calendar: JAPAC
  • 29 May
    • Pankow Transportation Career Day (4th graders only)
      Date: May 29
      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
      Location: Back of JAPAC Parking Lot
      Calendar: JAPAC

      Transportation Day is a Career Day event for 4th graders which focuses on occupations that use vehicles or equipment on their job.  Career volunteers from our community will showcase their work vehicles such as: simi-trucks, utility vehicles, emergency response vehicles, military vehicles, a public transportation bus, patrol cars, and promotional show cars.  Students arrive by bus to the Pankow Center at 9:30 a.m.

Box Office

All Tickets to events at the John R. Armstrong Performing Arts Center can be purchased at our Online Box Office

  • Online Box Office at:  External LinkOnline Box Office (
  • An attendant will be available one hour before the event at the John R Armstrong Performing Arts Center.
  • Call the John R. Armstrong Performing Arts Center at (586) 783-6520

External LinkSeating Chart
External LinkLink to MapQuest

Contact Us

Sean Carrico,

Technical Director

Scenic Designer, Scenic Painter
Ken Stanley,

Rental Fee Information

Office Staff

Sean Carrico
Director for JAPAC
Brian Debs
Technical Assistant for JAPAC
Kenneth Stanley
Technical Assistant for JAPAC