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Enrollments will require an appointment and must be done in person and cannot be submitted by email or fax.  

  LCPS Building Directory

Please bring completed forms and documentation to your appointment. 

Scroll down to select which enrollment packet you need to print

s c h o o l s   o f  c h o i c e 

applications may be submitted by email or in-person appointment.   

EMAIL:  You may submit your COMPLETED Schools of Choice Application at kovalsh@lc-ps.org

  • Applications must be complete with required documents to be considered.
  • Applications must be submitted during the time frame listed above.  
  • Submission of your application is not automatic approval.  You will receive approval information in the mail. 
IN PERSON: You may submit your COMPLETED Schools of Choice Application by appointment only. 

EnRollment Packets/Forms

The following forms below are for your convenience to view and print to expedite the enrollment process. The Individual Enrollment Forms are fillable and can be typed and then printed. Each school may also have additional forms necessary to complete registration.  Also, please see the Updated Residency Guidelines listed below.

Student Enrollment Questions: please submit this form

To request enrollment information, please fill out the form below and click "Submit" when complete.

Security Check - To verify you are not a robot, please answer this question:

Choose the correct blank .pdf packet to print and then complete.  Each school may have additional forms that will be necessary to complete.


PDF DocumentKindergarten / TK Enrollment Packet


PDF DocumentElementary Enrollment Packet (Gr 1-5)


PDF DocumentMiddle School Enrollment Packet (Gr 6-8)

PDF DocumentHigh School Enrollment Packet (Gr 9-12)

Additional Kindergarten Information:

PDF DocumentTransitional Kindergarten Information
PDF DocumentHearing and Vision Testing for Incoming Kindergarteners
PDF DocumentKindergarten Waiver Request


For the 2023-24 school year, a child who resides in a public school district or public school academy providing kindergarten may enroll in kindergarten if the child is at least 5 years of age on SEPTEMBER 1, 2023

IF a child residing in a school district is NOT 5 years of age on SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 BUT will be 5 years of age not later than December 1 of the school year, the parent or legal guardian of that child may enroll the child in kindergarten for the school year IF they notify the school district in writing not later that June 1 prior to the beginning of the school year.

IF a child is not 5 years of age on the SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 BUT will be 5 years of age not later that December 1 of a school year, BECOMES A RESIDENT OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AFTER JUNE 1, the parent or legal guardian of that child may enroll the child in kindergarten for the school year if they notify the school district in writing not later than AUGUST 1 prior to the beginning of the school year.

  Please call the school your child will be attending for more information on enrollment.  See link below 

Building Locations and Contact Information

 During the summer months when schools are closed,  enrollment may be submitted at our Administration Office (by appointment only thru the Sign-Up Genius link)

Harry L. Wheeler Community Center & Administrative Offices

24076 F.V. Pankow Blvd,

 Clinton Township,  MI 48036

586.783.6300 x1246   

Please be prepared by having the following information with you at the time of your registration/appointment:  Copies will be made as needed.

  • Original, Certified Birth Certificate
  • Immunization records
  • Name and address of former school
  • Divorce/Custody papers (if applicable)
  • Parent identification (Driver's License)
  • Proof of Residency:  See Residency Guidelines below.
  • Student's most recent report card or transcript
  • Current IEP (Special Education only)
  • Completed enrollment forms. Buildings will have copies available if you are unable to access.

Kindergarten students must also provide:

  • Vision and Hearing Screening 

Residency Guidelines

Proof of Residency.  Two pieces of proof are required. 

    1.  Proof of home ownership:

  • Mortgage Statement or current property tax statement or  lease with parent's name  listed on lease. 
    If parents name IS NOT on the lease, the apartment manager must complete a  Statement of Landlord with parent and students listed.  
    Note: parent name must match student’s birth certificate – additional documentation may be required, i.e. marriage license or divorce decree.


   2.  Any ONE item listed (MUST be current and dated within 30 days of registration)

  • Utility bill
  • cell phone bill
  • current automobile  loan or lease
  • insurance statement or bank statement
    Note: The above are examples; other proofs may be deemed acceptable.

 If you cannot meet the above residency requirements, you will have to make an appointment to complete a Residential Affidavit to prove residency (see below).

Residential Affidavit

  • All Residential Affidavits require an appointment and will be issued and renewed by the Student and Information Services Department located at the Administration Building.
  • Both the parent and the resident must be present, sign paperwork and provide necessary documentation.
  • These affidavits are only valid for the current school year and must be renewed in June. 

Residential Renewal

If parent is renewing, parent needs to bring the following:

  1. One (1) of the following: a bank statement, insurance papers, voter's registration card, US postal change of address or credit card statement  AND
  2. Driver's License showing CURRENT address or Passport if not US citizen.

Types of Residential Affadavit

  1. Shared Household Residential Affidavit - If the entire family moves in with a resident of L'Anse Creuse
  2. Placement of Child In Home of Relative - If just the child is living with a relative (for the purposes of a suitable home only)