MST Job Shadowing Information

What is a job shadowing experience?

The MST Job Shadowing Experience (JSE) is an opportunity for students to spend time observing or assisting a professional in the workplace. You will have a chance to experience the "real world" before you have to choose a college major or a career. Be creative! Think big! Learn more about a possible career that interests you!

Brochure MST Job Shadowing Experience



What are the benefits of a job shadowing experience?

There are many benefits to a job shadowing experience. Job shadowing can help you learn about different careers so you can decide which is best for you. You might say that you want to be an engineer or a lawyer, but do you know these people do in their jobs day to day? Shadowing an engineer or lawyer may help you find out!

Job shadowing also can help you learn more about a specific career. Maybe you KNOW you want to be a doctor. Shadowing a doctor will give you a chance to learn about the educational path to becoming a doctor. Your mentor may provide valuable advice on how to get started, what classes you should take in college, and what the medical school process is like.

Job shadowing can facilitate the start of your own professional network. Some college majors require you to accumulate a certain number of hours of work in the field you intend to study before admitting you into the program. If you complete a job shadowing experience at "Company A," it may be a lot easier to approach that company again when looking for additional field hours. 

Finally, job shadowing might lead to a good paying summer job! In the past, numerous MST students have been offered paid positions at their job shadowing site. Some extremely talented students also have been hired and offered paid college tuition to remain with the company or business.

In summary, don't view the job shadowing experience as an "obligation." Taking the time to find a quality position can lead to a valuable experience with potentially profitable results!